Resequencing 50 accessions of rice cast new light on molecular breeding

Source: Physorg.com11/12/2011 – BGI, the world’s largest genomics organization, announced that a study on resequencing 50 accessions of cultivated and wild rice was published online today in Nature Biotechnology. The study provides one of the largest genome variation data sets for wild and cultivated rice, which is valuable for breeding and for identifying agronomically important genes…

From emergency to sustainability: rice

Source: CGIAR07/12/2011 – Emergency programs generally focus on short-term relief rather than on sustainable development. However, by adopting a knowledge-based approach, two emergency projects launched in response to the rice-price crisis of 2008 in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) not only met immediate relief goals but also put in place efficient systems to boost rice production in the…

USA – New study focuses on arsenic in rice

Source: Consumer Reports.org05/12/2011 – A new federally funded study of more than 200 pregnant women receiving prenatal care in the New Hampshire area reports a link between rice consumption and elevated levels of arsenic in urine, suggesting that “many people in the United States may be exposed to potentially harmful levels of arsenic through rice consumption,”…