Philippines – Reduced rice output seen

Source – Inquirer.net19/10/2010 – A state of calamity was declared in Isabela province Monday after Super-typhoon “Juan” made landfall and threatened to wipe out the region’s rice crop. The supertyphoon is expected to cause a power shortage in northern Luzon in the short term. By the end of the year, however, the country is expected to…

India – DSCL bets big on hybrid rice

Source: Business Line17/10/2010 – DCM Shriram Consolidated Ltd (DSCL) is looking at hybrid rice as a major growth driver for its ‘Bioseed’ (hybrid seeds) business. “Right now, the bulk of Bioseed’s revenues are from Bt cotton and corn hybrids. But in five years, we see hybrid rice contributing a bigger share”, said Mr Vikram S. Shriram,…

USA – Future industry leaders explore rice industry in California

Source: Wisconsin Ag Connection15/10/2010 – Session three of the Rice Leadership Development Program was held earlier this month, providing participants with an overview of rice marketing and production practices, specialty product development, conservation and environmental issues and a close-up look at the state’s rice harvest in California. Class members met with Farmers’ Rice Cooperative, the…

Grain of hope: researches seek a super-rice

Source: Live Science05/10/2010 – Food scientists are furiously racing to come up with new rice varieties and growing techniques to meet the rising demand presented by a growing population in Asia. To discuss the challenge, rice scientists and world officials met at a symposium in New York last week, where the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI)…