India – Rice output to rise 12%: FAO

Source: Business Standard19/11/2010 – India’s rice output is likely to rise 12.36 per cent this year, on favourable pattern of monsoon and higher acreage area, according to the United Nations’ Food and Agriculture Organisation’s (FAO’s) latest food review forecast released yesterday. The agency estimated India’s total milled rice output at 100 million tonnes (mt) this year,…

US – “Small is also beautiful”- Appropriate technologuy cuts rice farmers’water use by 30 percent in Punjab, India

Source: Blogs From the Earth Institute17/11/2010 – Since the 1960s, farmers in Punjab, India have practiced some of the most intensive broad scale grain production in the world. As a result, the state has earned the nickname “the food bowl of India” for its out sized role in adopting and implementing Green Revolution technologies that in…

Indonesian rice crop affected by heavy rains

Source: SOS Children’s Villages16/11/2010 – With the recent natural disasters, the mood in Indonesia was low-key before the arrival of President Obama last week. Images of the destruction caused by Mount Merapi dominated the news and over 250 people are now known to have died following the eruptions. In recent days the volcano’s activity has lessened and exclusion…

Improved rice availability and reduced environmental impact forecast through new Global Rice Science Partnership

Source: IRRI10/11/2010 – One of the world’s largest global scientific partnerships for sustainable agricultural development has launched a bold new research initiative that aims to dramatically improve the ability of rice farmers to feed growing populations in some of the world’s poorest nations. The efforts of the Global Rice Science Partnership, or GRiSP, are expected to lift…