Bangladesh – Bangladesh rice prices break world record
Rice prices have been rising constantly all over the world
+57 310 8228246
Rice prices have been rising constantly all over the world
The pair search for diversification to progress and integrate the community
A diversified small-scale organic farm to grow food in a smart way and integrate the community in the process
The team believes that achieving higher rice yields is possible given the correct seed variety and quality, proper plant spacing, correct fertilizer timing and rates, and appropriate irrigation application.
Videos continue affecting rice organizations
Scientists team at Duke University and Huazhong Agricultural University in China work together for a sustainable rice production
Improving nacional production and quality of rice through new hybrid varieties
Subsides and transport cost are a major problem to resolve local rice prices
Obesity and type two diabetes are the target primarily
The obesity-linked disease is on a tear in China, and rice – the country’s favourite staple – is showing up in studies as an important contributor.