Asia-Pacific: Farming Rice and Fish Together to Reduce Poverty
Rice-fish culture system as an opportunity to promote communities development
+57 310 8228246
Rice-fish culture system as an opportunity to promote communities development
54% of Central and West Asia’s paddy fields are located in Iran
The RiceAtlas: a publicly available spatial database that answers key questions like where, when and how much rice is grown globally
The national average in past harvest seasons was at 3.9 MT per hectare.
A delightful nutritive innovation
The strategy proposed to achieve this implies that progress will come more from the farmers’ initiatives than from the researchers
Combating smuggling and high production prices to be competitive, reduce imports and have food security
A collaborative way to improve the welfare of resource-poor farming families through innovative agricultural research
Although many traditional rice varieties are still lost or changed Devakanta recollected 165 rice seeds varieties and continues his labor
The reduced plantings in California and the likelihood of reduced plantings in other rice-growing regions in the U.S. could help turn rice prices in a more positive direction for growers.