Philippines – Rice self-sufficiency policy limits farm incomes — OECD
The OECD report recommended more investment to be allotted in agriculture while resolving policy distortions, among others.
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The OECD report recommended more investment to be allotted in agriculture while resolving policy distortions, among others.
Millers and traders said rice prices typically go up near the end of a season for dwindling stocks.
Cuba imports about 80% of its food, creating a potential $2 billion market for U.S. farmers.
Many reasons to change for furrow-irrigated rice including the manual labor reduction, economic saving and efficiency at work.
Actions to protect national rice production
The genetic analysis undertaken by the team of scientists showed that the two strains of weedy are descended from two separate rice varieties, indica and aus, which were domesticated in different parts of Asia.
High impact of small changes will help to achieve the expected rice production boost and rice sufficiency by 2020