Nigeria – Association in Bayelsa seeks foreign partners to boost rice production
The Bayelsa chapter of Rice Farmers Association of Nigeria (RIFAN) says it is seeking foreign partners to produce rice in commercial quantity in the state.
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The Bayelsa chapter of Rice Farmers Association of Nigeria (RIFAN) says it is seeking foreign partners to produce rice in commercial quantity in the state.
Scientists from around the world will share the latest advances in controlling two devastating rice diseases during back-to-back international conferences in Manila, Pilippines.
The new electronic dryer is five times faster than the old kerosene dryer.
Tanzania is among the 25 countries that produce rice in Africa.
According to the World Health Organization, Fe and Zn deficiency has serious consequences for health, particularly during childhood.
Rice breeders will soon be able to produce higher-yielding varieties much more quickly and under increasingly stressful conditions with DNA technology.
Green Super Rice (GSR) is giving to the farmers new opportunities.
The Philippines is set to pioneer hybrid rice farming in Malaysia in April as the country’s ASEAN neighbor seeks to raise self-sufficiency in rice production amid its limited rice area.
The genomic tools are helping other researchers describe links between genes and traits, including disease and insect resistance, photosynthetic and nitrogen use efficiency, starch quality, salt, heat and cold tolerance.
New research could help save lives in drought-hit parts of the world.