First sustainable rice standard launched
New UN-Supported Rice Management Standard Sets Benchmark for Environmentally Sustainable and Socially Responsible Rice Cultivation.
+57 310 8228246
+57 310 8228246
New UN-Supported Rice Management Standard Sets Benchmark for Environmentally Sustainable and Socially Responsible Rice Cultivation.
Ambassador seeks help on climate change in rice fields. He says his country is ripe for change and investment. Strong trade ties between California, Vietnam cited.
Having tried livestock feeds like alfalfa, soybeans and corn, Mr. Rountree, whose farm sits on the lush southern side of the island, stumbled on something promising: a premium rice, destined for health-conscious and well-off consumers in Europe and the United States.
White rice may rule the domestic and international markets with the famous ‘Basmati’ variety having pride of place, but in the near future it is black rice from the northeast that may win hearts of consumers due to its nutritional value and health benefits.
A programme run by the Upper Nun Valley Development Authority (UNVDA), a government agro-industry body, aims to help rice farmers adopt better crop varieties, use water more efficiently and adapt to climate change.
The fascinating history of America’s premium sushi rice, Kokuho Rose
Land around Navassa used to be filled with rice farms worked by slaves. But decades of corporate abuse has left much of the earth poisoned. In 1980 tons of carcinogenic creosote was mixed with the soil and buried
Residents say they would like to use the land for farming again, but can’t. Largely poor, rural area is now subject to a $93million cleanup operation.
Source: Daily Post 08/10/2015 – The people of Mele village have for the first time planted hybrid rice on their own soil, thanks to the Imere Growers Association. The ceremonial first planting was witnessed by the village leaders, including, chiefs, former councilors, and church leaders, women leaders, former MPs, youths and the children of Mele…
Consumption of only 150 gram of Golden Rice a day is expected to supply half of the recommended daily intake (RDA) of vitamin A for an adult.
Erratic monsoon rains have made it increasingly hard for rice farmer Sardar Muhammad to bring in a good harvest.