How sick chickens and rice led scientists to Vitamin B1
The discovery of thiamine began with the search for a microbe.
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The discovery of thiamine began with the search for a microbe.
Source: Chico ER 28/10/2014 – Nothing about this year’s rice growing season has been business-as-usual. Some growers received no water. Others received most of their water. Some rice growers sold water. By the time all the rice acreage in California was tallied, officials say about 25 percent less rice was planted this year. Last year…
Education Secretary Armin Luistro urged schools nationwide to actively participate in the observance of National Rice Awareness Month in November, saying the amount of rice Filipinos waste every day could feed 2.5 million people a year and adds up to more than P7 billion annually.
Guyana says it has exported 400,000 tonnes of rice, the most in the country’s history.
Shuichi Yokota may be the future of Japan’s struggling rice industry. – See more at:
A revolutionary way of planting rice for higher yields has been unveiled by the Saudi engineer — 70-year-old Ibrahim M. Alalim — who invented polymer which is used in agricultural water conservation.
Rural poverty in parts of Asia could be exacerbated due to negative impacts from climate change on rice production, and a general increase in food prices and the cost of living, says the report of working group two of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Fifth Assessment Report.
Yuan Longping, “the father of hybrid rice”, has set a new world record for hybrid rice production by developing a variety that yields an average of more than 15 tonnes per hectare.
he new varieties can yield up to eight (8) metric tonnes per hectare (mt/h) as against the current average production rate in the country hovering around 2.5 (mt/h).
Africa’s rapid expansion of areas for rice production will be the fastest globally, in percentage terms.