Article “The original features of rice (Oryza sativa L.) genetic diversity and the importance of within-variety diversity in the highlands of Madagascar build a strong case for in situ conservation”- Abstract

Source: SpringerAbstract – In situ conservation of crop genetic resources is widely recommended but, as yet, no methods have been developed to rank the genetic entities to preserve and the social organisations to involve. The highlands of Madagascar have been identified as a key site for rice, Oryza sativa, genetic diversity. To define conservation strategies,…

Article “Cultivation of domesticated rice alters arthropod biodiversity and community composition” – Abstract

Source: ingentaconnectAbstract: Although it is well established that biodiversity plays an important role in pest control, there is limited knowledge on how the origins of agriculture may shape arthropod biodiversity. Arthropod food webs likely have coevolved with wild crop relatives before domestication, but not all arthropod taxa may be able to inhabit cultivated habitats. We…