Australia – Rice farming frontier

Source: Stock & Land11/07/2010 – Unlimited water supplies in Australia’s far north west were too great a temptation for two drought-weary farmers from the NSW Murray Valley who embraced their inner-frontier and will this week harvest the first commercial rice crop grown in the Ord River Valley for more than 30 years – taking the future…

USA – Texas rice – disease follows rain

Source: Delta Farm Press09/07/2010 – Texas rice farmers are poised to make another good crop on increased acreage, but heavy rains for the last two weeks have growers concerned about disease pressure and the cost of treatments. “The crop looked good two to three weeks ago,” said Garry McCauley, Texas AgriLife Extension water and weed…

Philippines – ‘Farm investments needed for rice sufficiency’

Source: Business Mirror08/07/2010 – The Philippines has the capability to become self-sufficient in rice for as long as the government would invest in farm-to-market roads, extension work and irrigation, the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) said. IRRI director general Robert S. Ziegler also said the timely delivery of crop-management information to farmers would boost efforts…